Saturday, July 25, 2009

Facebook What???

I've had my Facebook account for about 6 months now and I still don't get it. I've had friend requests from people I went to high school with that I was never friends with then. Why do they want me to be their friend now? I'm starting to get it that it really isn't about friendship---it's about the numbers. I have people requesting to be my friend that I don't even know. They just happen to be friends of friends of mine. Well, NO, I don't want to be your friend. I already have 46 friends of my own.

And what's up with writing on my wall? I never was able to even find the wall.

I've been tagged and poked and have no idea what that means. Today, I was sent a cup of coffee, but I never received it. I also received 3 friend blessings, whatever those are. I've been invited to support numerous causes---stop child abuse and save the children's hospital in North Carolina (I didn't know I knew someone in North Carolina and can't for the life of me figure out who that is). I've been invited to Boycott China and end Animal Terror. I don't plan to go to China, so I guess I'm supporting that cause.

I received 2 hearts and again, never actually received anything. This all sounds more like a tease if you ask me---send me yummies, but don't really send them. What the ???

I've been challenged to a pillow fight and have been hit with a tootsie pillow. Don't know what that is and never felt it. Sounds sweet though.

I have online sisters reaching out to me across the miles---don't know them either. One even sent a "what kind of teacher are you" invitation. So this friend doesn't even know I'm not a teacher. Some friend.

Another friend is sending me a fat cat---if I accept. No way, I'm finished with pets. 

Someone has smiled at me. I've gotten 2 requests for hugs. Sure, I'd do it, but how do you hug the computer?

Another person wants to know what color crayon I am and I've been bitten by a zombie. Now I'm starting to feel like all of these people are in rubber rooms. 

I've been asked which Facts of Life character I am. Hhheellloooo, I was never on Facts of Life. Now someone is confusing me with that chubby character. I definitely don't want to be her friend.

Someone wants to know if I'm spoiled. For that answer, just read my previous blog entry.

I've been asked "5 tricky questions". And someone else thinks I'm a flower.

Sounds like none of these friends know me at all. And all I wanted was to be Ellen Degeneres' friend. She's the only one NOT asking to be my friend! 


  1. That is hilarious - and would make for a great column in the paper!!

  2. I have no interest in Facebook what-so-ever and this just seals the deal for me. All this stuff sounds ridiculous and way too time consumming. I've been asked to be friends by people but just ignore the requests. I know people rave about it, but to me it just seems like a total waste of time.

  3. I get the requests to be friends from Facebook, MySpace & more recently, MyLife all the time and I ignore them. I've always said I don't subscribe to any of them because I just know all my old boyfriends will be looking me up!

  4. I agree..I have a FB account, but I truly don't get the big deal. If I need to talk to someone, I'll email them or call them. And I agree about the numbers thing....there are people that I didn't talk to in highschool...why do I want to talk to them now? I barely have time for the few friends that I have now who I actually care about!!!


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