Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Weekend Work

I had decided that I was going to spend this weekend trying to get my much neglected house back in order. I feel like I've lost September and October, so things were really behind around here. I spent a couple hours (total) in the laundry room and cleaning out the hall closet. I found something I forgot I even had! Then it was on to the dining room which had become the storage room for all of my boxes from mom's and my antique hunts. Here's a rundown. The beautiful photo album at left is in near perfect condition. The ivory on the cover is almost all there---and I snagged this baby for 10 bucks!! When I opened it up, I discovered these little guys. Turns out, they are literally bookworms!! I always thought a bookworm was "me." I never really thought about what the word actually meant. Here's the official definition:
1. informal: a person devoted to reading.
2. the larva of a wood-boring beetle that feeds on the paper and glue in books.

I cleaned them out---just these two. I tried to look down the spine, but couldn't see anymore. Aren't the pages gorgeous? I plan to fill it with my "adopted" relatives.

On to my mirrorr collection you see on the floor. I thought I had so many---turns out just 8. I plan to fill the entire wall with antique mirrors. The old family photos you see are being moved to the dining room. Notice the afghan over Butch's chair?I brought that from mom's---I got first pick on the last afghans she made.

I fell in love with those gorgeous bird pictures. I have no idea where they are going, but when I couldn't convince my friend, Nancy to get them for her bedroom, I had to have them for myself.

See the dining room table covered with vintage frames and the old relatives to go with them? I'm planning on making a gallery wall. That is going to be a huge job---and I thought I'd get it done this weekend. First I have to move all the crap that is already on the wall. I don't know where I'm going with it as my closets are bursting at the seams. I just love everything?

Again, you find me washing buttons. I found this HUGE jar full of black and grey buttons. I'm a sucker for buttons. The AYM kits this year will definitely be seeing lots of them.

Originally, I got mom's mirror for Mindy's apartment. But there was no room for it there. Instead, I took down the old tapestry I had hanging and Butch put the mirror there. I love it, so now it's mine. Sorry Mindy.

Mom was in the middle of making this black and white afghan for a friend. The woman hadn't paid her, so I didn't feel bad finishing it and keeping it for myself. Again, it was going to Mindy, but instead, I decided to put it in the guest room that used to be Mindy's.

Over all, a very productive weekend, but alas, I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted. That's always the way. I think I can do way more than I actually can---and I work FAST!!!

I'll leave you with a quote from a darling old autograph book I bought (I collect those too---I forgot to take a picture of it):
"When you are standing on a stump,
think of me before you jump."

PS I can't believe it. What a fluke---when I published this post, the pictures all just about lined up with the explanation. That almost never happens. Also, I plan to ask for a new camera for Christmas. I think mine has been dropped one time too many. The pictures are hit and miss as for blurriness---I promise you it isn't me!


  1. Those little bookworms are awful. I'm glad I have found any.

  2. Looks like you need ALOT more mirrors!

  3. "Butch your a great husband and father". You girls are sure lucky to have this guy on your team. I'm with Jeanne I think u need more mirrors!! Just kidding.


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