Sunday, June 26, 2011

One Lazy Sunday

I coughed all night---slept on the couch---was too lazy to go to church.

I did finish putting everything away from the shower. It was very nice, although I felt bad for Anna, the bride-to-be. She has a kidney stone and was miserable and in tears. She didn't really want to come. I put her on the couch and she was finally able to take some pain medication. When it came time to open gifts, Lauren, her sister, filled in. Mindy was the scribe. It went well and Anna could at least sit up and see the gifts---she even smiled a few times.

Our food was fabulous!! We decided we wanted it to be more of a brunch since we started at 10 a.m. We had shrimp and grits (Karolyn), Honey Baked Ham (Connie), cheddar biscuits, (Nancy) grape salad (me), apricot salad (Nancy), spinach balls (me), and tomato pie (Connie). We served dessert while the gifts were opened---meringues with clotted cream and strawberries (Karolyn). We had banana daffodils (Nancy) (a frozen fruit drink with champaign and "pretty" water (my assignment---basically "fruited" water). It was a nice assortment and different from most showers.

The timeline went EXACTLY according to our plan:
11:00---open gifts and have dessert
12:00---everyone leaves (honestly, the last person left at 12:05)

We wanted an earlier start for two reasons---#1 When you have something at 12 or 2, it really wrecks the whole day. This way, our plan was that the shower would be over by noon which lead to reason #2 for starting early---and the main reason---we wanted to get in the pool. All the shower givers, Pam and daughters planned to swim. It ended up being Steph and I (Mindy had a friend from NOLA in town that she had to get back to), Pam and Lauren (she took Anna home and got her settled in bed---her mom stayed with her) and Karolyn and Lauren. Malinda was in town, but the Potters decided not to stay because they would have had to pick up the little kids to swim and decided it was too much trouble. It's really not all that much fun when you have to watch little ones. The rest of us had a relaxing 2 1/2 hours---great way to spend the afternoon. And I desperately need to get a little sun before we go to the beach. Connie had come over on Friday. That was only the second time I'd been in the pool this year. The first time was with Pam on Memorial weekend. We've just been out-of-town so much and May was too cold to get in.

I thought I'd get in the pool again today, but we woke up to rain. By 8:30, it was sunny and nice. I should have gone out then because by 11:30, it rained again. It's been cloudy all afternoon. I've whiled away the time in the sunroom ALL day---catching up on blogs, computer work and just reading. I took one break for the bathroom and to make my lunch which I brought in here. The only thing that would have made this absolutely perfect is if I didn't have to hear the "vroom, vrooomming" of auto racing in the family room. "He" was supposed to go shopping with Stephanie this afternoon---she needs a new vacuum and he has a Kohl's coupon to get her a better deal. He's all about the "deal." She canceled.

It's 3 p.m. now. I've been in here since 9 a.m.---that just never happens, but I think I'm going to try to make it happen more often. I have a 4 p.m. hair appointment, so now I'm going to take my nap.

What a great weekend!!

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