Thursday, October 13, 2011

"It's a Cold Day in Hell...."

Thus begins Malinda (Potter) Wilkinson's latest Facebook post. It totally cracked me up!!! Here's why:

"It's a Cold Day in Hell!!! My, dad, Jack Potter is on FACEBOOK!!!" When you consider that Connie seems to only claim her Baptist roots when it comes to the internet (that Devil's Den), it was pretty brave of Jack. She said that he told her in a sheepish way. By the time I saw Malinda's post, he already had 16 friends. I'm pretty sure that Connie's concerned that she just might not have that many "friends." Last night, I called her a dinosaur and told her that I'm going to help her get set up so she can surprise her girls. Sure, I can brow beat her into it---that's how I've gotten her to "buy in" to many of my schemes over the years---but just because I hook her up, doesn't mean she'll actually participate much. You really can't teach old dogs new tricks. I'm glad that Jack rebelled! Way to go Jack! She holds him back. I'm just sayin'!

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