Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Words With Friends

About a week and a half ago, I started playing Words With Friends via my computer. I'd heard about the word game for quite awhile, but just thought it was for people to play on their phones. Even hearing about it, I wasn't sure that I would like the game. It's a word game similar to Scrabble----but waaaayyyy different. Apparently, in Words With Friends, you are allowed to use the dictionary or computer to figure our your best play. Being a Scrabble "purist", I couldn't imagine a game where people (in my opinion) "cheated". What is the fun in beating someone when you used the computer? I want to play head to head with someone (or maybe I should say "brain to brain").

Anyway, I started playing with a few family members and friends. My nephew beat me badly in my first game. Now, I do not consider myself a sore loser, but Scrabble is one game I know and am good at. I have to admit, with each play my nephew made, I got madder and madder. With his very first word, I thought, "hmmm I've never seen or heard of that word before. But, okay, he got it." From there, it went down hill. It was word after word of crazy stuff that would never fly in Scrabble. Apparently you can also use proper names. Anyway, I eventually "resigned" the game with him. I was a sore loser, no doubt. I wanted to say to him----"I wanted to play with YOU, not the computer!" Move over Jeanne, turns out you are not the only sore loser in the family after all!!!

After that first game, I started playing with friends. A few of them used the computer too. That's when I decided that I needed to change my attitude about Words With Friends  and just accept the fact that it isn't really Scrabble anyway. It's just a game. Once I did that, I was able to just relax and enjoy the game for what it is. I've beaten a lot of people, but suddenly it's not about winning, but just hooking up with family and friends for those few minutes. It's especially fun when we're both on at the same time. It's like a real game then---back and forth right away.

And, one other thing. You know how on Facebook, you aren't really friends with the 3,285 people you are supposed to be "friends" with (in my case, I'm only friends with 183 people---because a lot of my friends are "old" and don't do Facebook)? Well, when it came to inviting someone to play Words With Friends, I accidentally "clicked" on someone I barely know. I've been playing with her for a week now. She must be wondering why in the world I picked her. I didn't really, just an unfortunate click. Still, I"m having fun with it. I have about 10 games going.

Just what I needed, another internet related thing to become addicted to. Between email, Facebook, Words With Friends, PInterest, keeping up with over 200 blogs, and my own blogs, I have no spare time. The thing that seems to be taking a backseat is my stitching.

I think I need to get up an hour earlier.

1 comment:

  1. I once used ‘scrabble’ playing Words With Friends. How ironic is that. Do you do anything to build skills? Once I discovered that unscrambling anagrams helped with that jumble of letters, my scores steadily went up in WWF and Scrabble. I got so into anagrams, I invented my own TV trivia anagram game. Let me know what you think of it.


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