Thursday, June 21, 2012

Garden Update

I'm probably making you sick with all of my flower pictures, but remember, this blog is just another way I scrapbook. The gardens look magnificent right now. Here are just a few views:
I love cutting hydrangeas for inside. These will last until next year when I cut some fresh ones. The trick is to just let the vase run dry. They will dry beautifully. By next year, they will start to brown due to the intensity of the sun coming in these windows in the sunroom. Anywhere else, they will last for years. They just need to be kept out of direct sunlight.

If you look close, you can see some of the hydrangeas under the magnolia tree out in the yard.
I cut these for the old milk bottles I have on the front porch. I have no idea how they will do outside---whether they will dry or not. They get a lot of really hot sun here.

A view from the front porch on to the "never ending summer" hydrangeas. They go from cream to pale pink as seen below.

I have the "annabelles" all around the yard. I just love them---they give such a nice show and you can see them from a distance. I specifically put them around the pool because white flowers "glow" at night. White flowers of any type are my favorites.
I've planted them under all of our magnolia trees. The blooms here are fresh---the white ones. They fade to green when they die. They will stay green until we have a hard freeze---around late December. Then they will be brown. Still, they add interest and texture to the winter garden when the only thing blooming are pansies.
 All of the flowers I cut came from here. I cut just about all that were hanging out of the fence.
The kitchen table has "annabelle" hydrangeas along with the purple/pink one that I had in the shade garden. It's gorgeous---as you can see below. I left it in the garden for a couple of weeks as it was the only bloom. I have no idea if it will dry. 

You might think I have them all over the house, but I don't. I just have them in the kitchen and sunroom---don't want to over do it.
The purple is Russian sage. 

I didn't even take any photos of my "tree hydrangeas"---they've only had a couple of blooms so far. For this post I just focused on hydrangeas. I have a lot of other pretties out there. Next time....
Oh and the crape myrtles haven't started blooming yet. That will be my next garden post---mid to late July.

Show me what's in your garden! You know I'm a flower geek.

1 comment:

  1. The weather is so bad here today that I just commented and then the internet connection went down and I lost it. Your flowers are stunning!


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