Monday, July 23, 2012

My Hands Have Been Tied!

Yesterday, Mindy came over to scrapbook. You know what that means---I didn't get to scrapbook. When she comes here (which isn't that often, so I don't discourage her), I become her retriever. Since she doesn't know where anything is, I spend all my time fetching stuff for her. Considering I'm not a huge dog lover, it turns out I'm a pretty good one.

Anyway, I mentioned that it's too bad I no longer can blog about her. She said, "why?" I said, "because you tied my hands." She has forbidden me to post pictures about her without her approval. She says I pick bad pictures. Well, that's just not gonna' fly. I'm a journalist (albeit---just a family one), but I ain't a gonna' answer to no one!

I have a few stock photos that I'm going to use. How can she argue with these?
I purposely picked this photo because she made this dress herself during the summer before first grade. Yesterday, she used my sewing machine on her scrapbook page for the first time. She hadn't sewn since this dress. She did a good job---made a nice straight line.

I have a few others, but I'm probably already in trouble for not getting permission to post these. I would sure hate to say goodbye to her on my blog. She is such a good source of fun stories.

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