Friday, January 25, 2013

In the News

Is anyone else sick of hearing about the controversy as to whether Beyonce' lip-synced at the  inauguration? We're on day 4 now. For crying out loud. Who cares? It's not like she's not an amazing singer and is trying to pull one over on us. There's no end in sight since she's going to be the half-time entertainment at the Superbowl. I guess we'll have to endure another week of the criticism after that. I could care less about the singing---I love her voice and her music, but that body and her dancing!! I'll take her any which way. That gal has Talent with a capital "T"!

What about those young women crying all over the news because their ex-boyfriends posted provocative photos of them on porn sights? Hellooooo---don't take naked pictures of yourself and you never have to worry about that! Seems pretty darn simple to me.

Wasn't the story about that darling little 3 year old who fell and her pencil jammed in to her eye and through her brain, horrifying? I could hardly look at that. Thank God for that miracle that not a single thing was damaged. And the little girl looks perfectly fine. I would have thought her eye would look injured.

On to entertainment. Did anyone catch Jimmy Kimmel last night? Matt Damon supposedly kidnapped Jimmy and hijacked the show.  It was so funny and tons of stars were there.  Check it out On Demand.

Well, I better get to my assignment for "Operation Organization." I'll get it done! I'm sure! Plus, pre-plan for my scrapbook retreat---lots to do.

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