Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

I hope everyone has had a great Memorial Day. Ours was pretty low key. Stephanie and Nicky came over for a float and a barbecue. The water is still cold, but when you are floating on top, it's bearable!

We had pork chops on the grill. I whipped up a few deviled eggs. Corn and potatoes rounded out the menu. 

This morning, I met up with the Peach Truck in Green Hills. I bought a box. It's so worth it. But I certainly have a lot of peaches! I have a plan.

There's nothing like fresh Georgia peaches. They don't call themselves the peach state for nothin'. Sweet and juicy.
This is my favorite Memorial Day photo this year. This house belongs to my friend, Nancy E. She lives out in the country. I love it when she puts her flag out. Nothing says a patriot than a huge American flag. I just wish we'd have remembered to put ours out!

Let the summer begin!

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