Sunday, June 18, 2017

A Weekend All About Butch!

Actually, the week began with the arrival of Sandy and family on Tuesday. We spent Wednesday relaxing at the pool. We pretty much did it all. We went to Steph's to see their new house, the whole family (14 of us---Mitchell was the only one missing) went to the club for dinner, had another pool day with the Potters (Sandy and Amanda were best friends growing up) and then happy hour. I snapped a few pictures.
Now what you need to know about our happy hours: they are very organized. We go around the room and each person tells one thing about their week.
One of my pet peeves is multiple conversations going on at the same time. That's why this works for us. Every one gets heard! Even the ones that don't really want to be!
Morgan's boyfriend, Carter was there as was Andrew, Jordan's boyfriend. Jordan suggested that since there were so many of us and only one hour before leaving for dinner, that we each do an abbreviated story. We put her in charge of what order we'd go in.
Mindy and Justin told about Mindy washing a down comforter that had a hole that she didn't know about. The feathers were everywhere---even stuck to the walls---all over the condo---not just in the laundry room. They just seemed to blow out everywhere. 

She sent me this video that she took for Justin. It's amazing. Well, it seems I don't know how to add a video.
Watching them describe the mess was pretty funny!
After happy hour, we went to dinner at Sperry's---one of our favorite local steak places. Reservations for 14! Stephanie and Nicky came back to the house after for a couple hours.

Saturday was a pool party and barbecue. I didn't get any pictures---just didn't think about it. But the day was devoted to this guy---first his birthday.
I couldn't resist posting this old picture again! No, he didn't really wear vests! This one was a gift that he put on when he received it.
He still skis---this picture is about a year or two old. 
Fishing is another of his favorite pastimes.
Mindy and Justin gave him this shirt last year. He's the #1 poster in Nashville for Trip Advisor. They actually contact him! Any way, if he doesn't like something, he refers to his post as "I skewered them!"
More fish!

We then celebrated Father's Day. That's one of my most favorite things I love about him. He's always had such a special relationship with his "girls!" That actually extends to this day and the grands. Mostly they call with car related issues, but still, I love that he's always looking out for them.
He was so in love with Sandy from the start! Hers were the start of his car problems! One day on the way to work, the traffic was held up due to a stalled car. He was "mad!" As he creeped forward he discovered it was Sandy!! She was very happy to see him---long before cell phones!
When Steph came along, his heart expanded (he was concerned that it wouldn't)! There's not a thing he wouldn't do for her (remember the recent cat door?) All she has to do is ask! I can't even tell you how many trips hauling things he did with her recent move. He's just like that.
And then there's this one. To say she's been able to walk all over him from the start about sums it up!

When it came to the girls, he was the "player" with them. I was the "reader of books." He got down on the floor and did everything---Barbies, blocks, My Little Ponies, games, beauty parlor where they did his hair and wrestled with them---all while watching sports!

He's the BEST! Happy Father's Day!! We all love you!

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