Tuesday, October 3, 2017


...I worry about! First off, I've never been a worrier. But when you get older, you have a natural tendency to worry---or you should. If you aren't, then I think you are just in denial!

I worry about:
1. falling---especially after my fall last year at Chic-fil-a when I had a serious ankle break. I'm very careful now and am constantly on the lookout for slippery floors, wet surfaces or uneven pavement.

2. falling out of bed--my bed is tall. I have to use bed-steps to even get in it. It has occurred to me---hence the worry---should I ever fall out of bed, I'll probably break my back when I hit the steps.

3. losing my mind---why did I come in this room---forgetting from one second to the next. I've beed doing that for years. Recently, I was to pick Connie up at 4:45. Somehow from 3 p.m. on it went from picking her up at 4:45 to leaving my house at 4:45. She called me and I was still home--wondering why she was calling. After all, I was getting ready to leave! At least I can take solace in the fact that my friends are having similar problems.

4. losing my memory---I have to wait until pretty close to book club to read the book or I can't recall enough for the discussion. Sometimes, I know I've read a book, but can't recall a single thing about it. Once someone reminds me of what it's about, I can usually remember it. Another thing---this past week, while at the beach, I was looking for the big fry pan. Since I couldn't find it, I wasn't even sure I actually bought one, just thought about it or it was stolen! Sometimes somebody will mention something that happened years ago and I'll have no memory of it whatsoever. Scary.

5. acting like an old lady:
a. our house decor---recently, Butch said he thought a few things looked "old lady-ish". I'll have to ask the girls what they think. On the other hand, they still ask me to help with their decorating, so maybe I'm not so bad.

b. the clothes I wear--I've always prided myself in being fashionable. I think this has more to do with what clothes are available in my size. They don't make really cute clothes in chubby sizes. Luckily for me, that is changing. Slowly, but happening none the less!

c. how I do my make-up---I think I look pretty good until I get in the car and look in the rearview mirror. That makes me question how I really look---the mirror in the house or the one in the car---which is the truth? I'm asking for a new makeup mirror for Christmas. I've even gone so far as to looking at makeup looks for older women. I've checked with the older women at the Estee Lauder counter. I guess I could just ask my girls about this too. Family will tell you the absolute truth.

d. parking---okay, I'll admit it. I was so spoiled! That free parking pass I had for years AND the "guy" Butch sometimes sent to actually hold my space until I got there---definitely spoiled me. I especially miss that free valet parking at the airport! Now, it's hard enough to figure out where I'm going much less figuring out where I need to park.

e, feeling befuddled about being downtown at night---I can never figure out quite where I need to be going. Recently, after the theater, I was trying to get on the highway. As I was looking at the arrows on the street to figure out which lane I needed to be in, I inadvertently ran a red light. About that time, another car, merging from the left honked at me as if "they" weren't supposed to be yielding anyway! There was no traffic anywhere, so it was no big deal. Still, Stephanie was in the back seat saying very calmly, "red light, red light." Maybe she needed to shout! I need a better co-pilot!

6. hearing---since I never heard Stephanie telling me there was a red light, that leads me to think maybe something is wrong with my hearing! Actually, it probably has more to do with listening!

7. health issues---I've always been very healthy and never, ever worried about it. Now, with my friends having different ailments, I'm playing mind games with myself: "my neck is bothering me---is this what Connie has?" Or, "my knee is bothering me, does that mean I'm going to need a knee replacement?" Actually, now that I think about it, maybe this just goes along with #3.

You could pretty much lump everything under "losing my mind." If that's the case, it's all over! I might as well not worry about it. I guess pretty soon, I won't know to worry about anything anyway!
Really, that's a scary thought. I'll just keep worrying!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my, that's a lot of worrying! I typically read book club books right before the meeting, too, but if I happen to get a copy to read it early I review it on my blog right away. Then the day before book club, I read through my review for a refresher. :)


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